Genesis file

Both the mainnet and testnet genesis information of Hepton chain have been hardcoded in blockchain, and the corresponding genesis files are listed below for verification.


Genesis file defines all the information needed to create a genesis block. It is organized in json format. It contains the following 4 sections: - chain config - block header related config - accounts and system contacts config - validator info

Beside, the system contracts are under the directory contracts/builtin/ in the Hepton repo.

Chain config

The name of chain config item is config,including chainId, hard fork info, consensus engine config. Demo config is showed as following:

    "config": {
        "chainId": 404,
        "homesteadBlock": 0,
        "eip150Block": 0,
        "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "eip155Block": 0,
        "eip158Block": 0,
        "byzantiumBlock": 0,
        "constantinopleBlock": 0,
        "petersburgBlock": 0,
        "istanbulBlock": 0,
        "berlinBlock": 0,
        "londonBlock": 0,
        "hapten": {
            "period": 3,
            "epoch": 200,
            "attestationDelay": 2,
            "rule": 1

Specifically, chainId is blockchain identifier which was defined in EIP-155 to avoid replay attack. Mainnet is 808, and testnet 404. Besides, users can customize it when setting up a private chain.

homesteadBlock ~ muirGlacierBlock are the hard fork info inherited from ethereum, which should be all zero

hapten is the consensus engine config of Hepton. In detail, period is the block interval (whose unit is second) as well as epoch is the number of blocks which can be produced in an epoch. attestationDelay is the number of blocks, before which we can do consensus. rule indicates the rewards plan. Usually rule is only set in Testnet and should be omitted otherwise.

One thing should be mentioned is that the chain config will not be included in the genesis block although it will be persisted on disk. Therefore it could be changed afterwards.

The info of block header is in the top level of the config, Demo config is showed as following:

    "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "number": "0x0",
    "timestamp": "0x624e601f",
    "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "difficulty": "0x1",
    "gasLimit": "0x2625a00",
    "gasUsed": "0x0",
    "nonce": "0x0",
    "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "extraData": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

As showing above, all the items are basic info in block header.

Among all these items, nonce and mixHash are something used in PoW, which is deprecated in Hepton.

the meaning of other config items are listed as follows: - parentHash: hash of parent block - number: block numner - timestamp: timestamp of block prodution - coinbase: the address of block producer - difficulty: difficulty in consensus - gasLimit: max gas can be used - gasUsed: gas actually used - extraData: extra data in header

Specifically, extraData contains 3 parts: vanity(32 bytes), validator address list, signature (65 bytes). Validator address list will be added into extra data automatically by Hepton, so we only need to set vanity and signature, which should be all zero in common.

Accounts and system contacts config

All of the configs are located in alloc. It contains the token allocation of external owned accounts as well as system contracts initializations, including Staking, CommunityPool, BonusPool and GenesisLock

Each system contract has been assigned fixed addresses preliminarily - Staking Contract: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000F000 - CommunityPool Contract: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000F001 - BonusPool Contract: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000F002 - GenesisLock Contract: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000F003

External owned accounts allocation

Demo config is showed as following:

    "alloc": {
        "5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2": {
        "balance": "50000000000000000000"

5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2 is account address, banlance is the amount of token allocation in Wei

Staking contract config

Staking contract is used to manage validators as well as staked assets. Demo config is showed as following:

    "alloc": {
        "000000000000000000000000000000000000F000": {
            "balance": "0x0",
            "init": {
                "admin": "0x5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2",
                "firstLockPeriod": "63072000",
                "releasePeriod": "2592000",
                "releaseCnt": "48",
                "ruEpoch": "28800"
            "code": "0x608060405260043610620003e35760003560e01c80637bd8d00c1162..."

000000000000000000000000000000000000F000 is the address that Hepton assignes to Staking contract. This address is fixed and thus cannot be customized.

init is the arguments for contract initalization, which can be interpreted as following: - admin: contract admin - firstLockPeriod: first lock period in seconds - releasePeriod: the time of one release period in seconds - releaseCnt: the total count of release period - ruEpoch: the number of blocks to update block rewards

code is the deployed bytecode of the contract

CommunityPool contract config

CommunityPool controls the gas rewards for excellent DAPPs. Demo config is showed as following:

    "alloc": {
        "000000000000000000000000000000000000F001": {
            "balance": "0x0",
            "init": {
                "admin": "0x5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2"
            "code": "0x6080604052600436106100745760003560e01c80638f283970116100..."

000000000000000000000000000000000000F001 is the address that Hepton assignes to CommunityPool contract. This address is fixed and thus cannot be customized.

init.admin is the address admin

balance is 0

code is the deployed bytecode of the contract

BonusPool contract config

BonusPool is used to manage bonus for staking. Demo config is showed as following:

    "alloc": {
        "000000000000000000000000000000000000F002": {
            "balance": "592000000000000000000",
            "code": "0x6080604052600436106100555760003560e01c8063158ef93e146100..."

000000000000000000000000000000000000F002 is the address that Hepton assignes to BonusPool contract. This address is fixed and thus cannot be customized.

balance is equal to the total bonus of staking

code is the deployed bytecode of the contract

GenesisLock contract config

GenesisLock is used to manage token locking and release. Demo config is showed as following:

    "alloc": {
        "000000000000000000000000000000000000F003": {
            "balance": "0x0",
            "init": {
                "periodTime": "2592000",
                "lockedAccounts": [
                        "userAddress": "0x5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2",
                        "typeId": "1",
                        "lockedAmount": "1000000000000000000000",
                        "lockedTime": "0",
                        "periodAmount": "48"
                        "userAddress": "0x5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2",
                        "typeId": "2",
                        "lockedAmount": "2000000000000000000000",
                        "lockedTime": "31104000",
                        "periodAmount": "24"

000000000000000000000000000000000000F003 is the address that Hepton assignes to GenesisLock contract. This address is fixed and thus cannot be customized.

periodTime is the release period in seconds

init.lockedAccounts is the accounts info of token locking - userAddress: address of accounts - typeId: accounts type, including 1-community, 2-private sale, 3-team, 4-Ecosystem foundation - lockedAmount: token locked amount in wei - lockedTime: token locked time in seconds - periodAmount: the total amount of periods, which is 30 day in one period

code is the deployed bytecode of the contract

validators info

The config is located in item of validators, Demo config is showed as following:

    "validators": [
            "address": "0x5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2",
            "manager": "0x5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2",
            "rate": "20",
            "stake": "350",
            "acceptDelegation": true
            "address": "0x5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2",
            "manager": "0x5f4b65cf94B53aC992b28f64b3446EE4Ca7889A2",
            "rate": "10",
            "stake": "550",
            "acceptDelegation": true

the info of validator contains: - address: the address of validator - manager: the address of manager of validator - rate: the percentage of commission for all block rewards - stake: the amount of staking native token, the unit of this feild is HTE - acceptDelegation: whether accepting delegation or not

One thing need to be explained more specifically is rate. The validator can take rate% of block rewards as commission, and the left part is the one that will be allocated according to their token staked.

Verify genesis

Check tool

Compile the tool of checking genesis file by running

make all

And the tool genesis-check will be found in build/bin

The source code of genesis-check is cmd/genesis-check/main.go

Check method

Running the following command to generate genesis block hash from genesis config file

./genesis-check <genesis file>

The outputs looks like

Genesis Hash: <Genesis Hash>
Is Mainnet: false
Is Testnet: true

Then you may compare if the generated genesis hash is the expected one

Built-in genesis

The genesis blocks of testnet and mainnet are hard-coding in binary.

Mainnet genesis block(not confirmed) is defined in core.DefaultGenesisBlock(), which is located in core/genesis.go:453

Testnet genesis block is defined in core.DefaultTestnetGenesisBlock(), which is located in core/genesis.go:468

Also, related type definations of corresponding genesis file are Genesis, GenesisAlloc, GenesisAccount, Init, LockedAccount and ValidatorInfo, which are all located in core/genesis.go


Genesis block hash: 0x878c0e84bf867ddd5ede830d3b17f853eeb985530e1a74468ce898094427d41f

MainnetGenesisHash in the code:

View or download mainnet genesis file


Genesis block hash: 0x2eeaa9dab31682321c7d8afd3ec0ddef772f9361e7f21126e3d17f2756e49482

View or download testnet genesis file