
Users can map ETH, BTC, stable coins and other assets to Hepton through the asset cross-chain bridge, which is achieved by locking a certain number of assets on the source chain and generating the corresponding number of Tokens in Hepton.

Hepton encourages community developers to provide more decentralized cross-chain solutions.

This document describes the option for project parties to map Tokens from the source chain to Hepton on their own.

The project owner maintains the total balance of tokens on the multi-chain including Hepton on his own and endorses the credibility of tokens.

The main processes include:

1)Initial Preparation
2)Source Chain -> Hepton
3)Hepton -> Source Chain


Source Chain: The source chain where the Token is located (e.g. Ethereum)

Src_Token: Token on the source chain, possibly a contract, or a native Token

Locked address or contract: the address used to lock the Token

Hepton_Token: Token on Hepton's chain

Initial Preparation

1) Deploy the lock address or contract on the source chain Src_Lock_Addr

2) Deploy Token on Hepton: Hepton_Token

3) Deploy a lock address or contract on Hepton Hepton_Lock_Addr

If you need multiple sign contracts, you can refer to gnosis/safe-contracts or gnosis/MultiSigWallet.

If you need contracts with mint/burn, you can refer to OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts contracts/token/ERC20).

In order to maintain credibility, the project needs to publicize the above information to the community and invite the community to supervise it. And to monitor the total amount of coins on both chains.

Source Chain->Hepton

1) Source chain locking Src_Token

Transfer a certain amount of Src_Token to Src_Lock_Addr for locking

2) Release Hepton_Token on the Hepton POS

Execute mint operation to give Hepton_Lock_Addr the corresponding amount of Hepton_Token

Hepton POS->Source chain

1) Hepton POS lock Hepton_Token

Execute burn operation, destroy Hepton_Token

2) Release Src_Token on the source chain

operation Src_Lock_Addr to unlock the corresponding volume